A list of all restaurants in Båstadhamn with opening hours 2020.
Continually updated.
Follow the restaurants below in alphabetical order.
In reservation of bad weather
20 / A-Z
Contact the restaurant for their opening hours in late summer.
Well-known Abbes to Båstadhamn! A local and popular restaurant that has now taken place along the sea. Offers varied food with the opportunity to relax on their relaxed outdoor dining.
Stay tuned for their Facebook page..
Click on the image below for their opening hours in late summer.
Contact the restaurant for their opening hours in late summer.
tacos de casa
Mexico has come to Båstad! Now there are Spanish, spicy tacos and fresh salads along the harbor promenade. A perfect stop for you who are eager to see what Mexican cuisine has to offer.
Stay tuned for their Facebook Page..
Click on the image below for their opening hours in late summer.