Ankare, dragg eller plätt, oavsett storlek, får aldrig användas för permanent förtöjning. Vid ankring får båten inte lämnas utan tillsyn.
Vid all användning av ankare måste du förvissa dig om att sjöbotten ger gott ankarfäste, alt ankarlinan/kättingen är tillräckligt lång (helst 5 ggr djupet) samt att ankaret fäster i botten. Hur tungt ankare du behöver kan du få en uppfattning om i tabellen sid 19.
Försök att på lämpligt sätt varna passerande båtar för din ankarlina. Undvik linor som flyter.
From Båstad Hamn you can easily go along the coast or experience the magical forests on Hallandsåsen. With its varied landscape and expansive views, the Bjäre Peninsula is a paradise for hikers.
Track running
If you love running, the Bjärehalvön is paradise. Terrain that offers good training opportunities with many challenges and grounds. Jog quietly along the beach or get your heart rate up close to maximum in cross-slope uphill. During the year several popular exercise races are organized. The most challenging race is the Rasta Båstad Marathon. If you want an exercise race for the whole family, then the Riviera Race, with windsurfing, SUP, kayaking and swimrun is recommended. Different running races at Bjäre
Trana infor ett maraton 1
Bjärehalvön is the best cycling destination in the Nordic region with unbeatable views, challenging slopes and country roads along the sea.
Massages are available in the harbor during the summer. Along the walk towards the morning jetty you will find Jipata's popular massage parlors.
Bjärehalvön is a mecca for golfers. 10 minutes from Båstad Hamn you can choose between golf courses that are enriched with beautiful apple trees in former apple orchards or courses that overlook the bay of Laholms and the wonderful landscape at the top of the ridge.
During a few high-intensity summer weeks, Båstad is transformed into an entertainment metropolis of international dimensions. The classic tennis tournament Nordea Swedish Open, ATP for men and the Nordea Swedish Open, WTA for ladies is attracting world names in sports. The event has been selected several times by players for the best competition on the ATP tour. The tennis stadium with the centercourt is a stone's throw from Båstad harbor
You can rent paddleboards at Kiteskolan i Båstad hamn. Both for younger as well as older people who want to exercise and try out a fun, different and health-promoting sport in fantastic environments.
In Båstad harbor is Sweden's largest kite school. The beaches along the harbor are ideal for kite surfing.
It was in Båstad harbor that Speedcats started in 2008. Running Go-karting on water is an experience you will not forget. The bay of Laholms offers varied water to run on, giving the boat its right element.
Discover the beautiful Bjärekusten at sea. The boat goes from Båstad harbor to Hallandsväderö, where one of Sweden's largest knob seal colonies is located. From the water you pass the small fishing village Kattvik and the dramatic cliffs that rise stately at Hov Hallar before finally coming to Hallandsväderö.